1st Quarter Manager Newsletter

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Employees working together

Leading Minds

This quarter, Dr. Mark Friedlander, Behavioral Health Chief Medical Officer, offers some helpful tips to reduce burnout. Read more on burnout prevention here....


If you’re sick, stay home!

In our busy-busy, go-go-go world, it can be tough to slow down just because you’re sick. But if you’re working with people while you’re contagious, it’s possible to do more harm than good. Find out how to keep your workplace a healthy place...


Lean into change

There’s only one constant in life: change. Whatever that means for your organization, you can help your team lean into change for better results. And it can help morale, too. Find tips on how to adapt to change...


Create a culture of mental wellbeing

What do you do to encourage wellness for your team? Mental health is an important part of physical health. And mental health concerns can impact your organization. Learn ways you can help stamp out mental health stigma...


New Let's Talk Manager video series: Teamwork - a lesson from geese

Looking for tips on how you can help build a healthy and dynamic team? There's much we can learn from geese. Watch this quarter's video on teamwork - a lesson from geese | Read a transcript of the video here.

Nurse helping mature adult

Get certified to help

Did you know you can schedule Mental Health First Aid training for your staff? Similar to First Aid, this training gives participants information and skills to help those in emotional pain.

Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based program that helps participants:
  • Better understand mental health and substance misuse
  • Build confidence in skills that can help others
  • Decrease stigma
  • Increase positive beliefs about treatment
You can learn more about Mental Health First Aid by going to mentalhealthfirstaid.org.

You or your benefits representative can contact an account executive or e-mail us at AetnaBH_EAPSales@aetna.com

Note: Mental Health First Aid trainings are available to your organization for an additional cost and may or may not currently be included in your service plan.

Learn more about this and other optional services.

Download the 1st quarter newsletter here.

Getting help

For help with personal or workplace issues, call your access phone number or check your website. These confidential services are available 24/7 to you, your eligible household members and adult children under age 26, whether they live at home or not.



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