What's your happiness level?Score below 60 percentOverall, you seem to be missing out on a lot of what life has to offer. It sounds like you may be stuck in a rut of negative thinking, which is getting in the way of your happiness. Do you know any happy people? Try to learn from them. And pay attention to your self-talk. Try to swap out positive thoughts for negative ones to help lift your mood. In the end, you’re the only one who can make yourself happy. Score of 60-74 percentYou’re not miserable, but you’re not enjoying life very much. Maybe you look for outside things (like power, money and status) to make you happy. (By the way, none of those things make for happy people.) Instead, try to look inward. See your own strengths, take time for gratitude and savor small pleasures. A good song, a cup of coffee or a sunny day can be enjoyed. You’re more likely to find the good in life when you go looking for it. Score of 75-84 percentYou tend to be pretty happy. You notice the good things in life and take responsibility for your feelings. When problems come up, you push through toward a solution. You sometimes have feelings of self-doubt and feel sad or frustrated (who doesn’t?), but you’re able to get back to a place of well-being. Take time to help others, savor small pleasures and face challenges with confidence. Score of 85-100 percentCongratulations! You’re a happy person! You’re able to live a life of meaning and are in touch with what matters most. Continue to value close relationships, reach for your goals and manage your stress. Happiness is contagious, so be sure to help others with your positive attitude! |